
Sunday 14 October 2012

Sup Tulang Singapura a.k.a Bonesteak

I got sidetracked!!! Again! This time was for 2 months. Truth is I got lazy. After my one day Hari Raya Puasa celebration, I joined a martial art class, something I never thought of doing, Muay Thai!!! I started going once a week and got addicted to pain so I committed myself to 3 times a week. Sometimes, 4! Hah! Bruised my shins badly in the first month but it didn’t stop me nor slowed me down. Now, I kinda hurt my ankle from yesterday’s training. Gah!!! All wrapped up now, so I am cool. I still cook daily despite the strenuous training but nothing fancy la…the norm. Asam pedas, fish curry, rendang…the easy daily dishes. Also, I got lazy to sit in front of the lappy. There weren’t many activities in my FB too except for whenever I got injured during Muay Thai; I would post up a picture. Konon2 tunjuk terror laaaa…

The kids are preparing for the PKSR now and so I have every reason to sit in front of the lappy, hawking on them. I put this recipe together for our Friday night dinner. Something quite common in the household and amongst close friends but never had a chance to take a good shot. Not that it is the best shot since the photography is normally done at night, in doors, under tungsten light with no other lighting equipment available for me to use. Heh!

This dish memang takde dijual di KL dan kawasan2 yang sewaktu dengan nye. Made popular in Singapore. And Beach Road serves the best of the Sup Tulang Singapura a.k.a Bonesteak.

Kite tengok gambar ye? I am still not doing this full-swing. Laziness still lies in my bones so sesape yang berminat nak cuba, please leave a comment. I will be obliged to share the recipe.

Cantik tak???

Sunday 12 August 2012

Cantonese Fried Yee Mee

I have always been in love with the Cantonese Fried Yee Mee! Oh! Wait a minute!!! I think I’m in love with all cooking style of mee, noodles, bihun…however you called it. Not laksa! Don’t like them! Don’t like them in any cooking style for that matter except, Laksa Lemak Melaka or the Singapore Laksa. Ya, memang aku bias! : p

Here’s for my foodie friends in FB who have requested for the recipe of my Cantonese Fried Yee Mee. Follow my blog also la wei…kasi up sikit itu traffic!!! :D

1 yee mee
5-6 pcs prawns
2 squid - sliced
3 strips of boneless chicken breasts
2 garlic - chopped
1cm ginger – thinly sliced into strips
1 egg - lightly beaten
Pak Choy, cabbage, carrot & young corn (just a small portion of each)

Ingredient A - Combine in a bowl
1 tsp. sesame oil
1 tsp. light soy sauce
1 tsp. oyster sauce
1 cup chicken stock (I prefer to use my homemade stock to the commercial ones cubed or not.)
1 tsp. pepper
3 tsp. corn flour (mixed with water for thickening purpose)
Salt and sugar to taste


1. Heat oil in wok. Add in garlic and ginger. Fry till fragrant.
2. Add in prawns, squid and chicken.
3. Add *A and let it boil.
4. Add the egg, slightly beaten.
5. Add all vegetables and corn flour mixture. Remove from stove and pour over the Yee Mee and serve.
6. Eat! Hehe

I am going to continue baking my Kek Lapis now. Bau pun dah menyucuk hidung ni. Promised my son some pineapple tarts which I am going to tackle next…tomorrow! The girl wants Marmar Carries…ala biskut lama tu la…nanti kite post gambar ek? Need some new upholstery for my day bed, which I will try to shop around for later this evening. Pergh! Busy giler! Macam prem minister! :p

Selamat Berpuasa, y'alls!

Thursday 9 August 2012

Economical Vegetarian Bihun

I cooked this easy peasy recipe last Friday. Made a lot to last me for 2 days of buka puasa and 2 pre-dawn meals. The kids were away for the weekend then so...yeah, malas la kan nak masak. If you are ever wondering, no, I have not turned into a vegan. I don't think I can. I can never live without my red meats! I didn't have anything else in the freezer then but had enough vege to finish before they rot so I've decided to put them together and come up with a masterpiece. Hehehe banyak la aku punye masterpiece! :p

So here, try tau jangan tak try...

  1. Soak 1/2 packet of bihun in warm water. If you don’t like chewy bihun, use slightly hotter water. 
  2. Add 1 tbs each of dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, sugar and sesame oil for bihun to absorb.
  3. After half hour or so, drain bihun, but keep the liquid.
  4. Fry 1 tbs garlic. Add vegetables/meat if you like. I used slightly more oil than usual. The original economical vegetarian bihun is always glistening with oil. So sebab nak bihun tu nampak gemilang I made it a little oily, kalau too dry tak cantik plak..hehe
  5. Add bihun. Mix well to let bihun absorb the oil. If too dry, add some of the liquid that was used for soaking earlier.
  6. Add 2 tbs dark soy sauce, 1 tbs light soy sauce, 1 tbs fish sauce, 1 tsp kicap manis (optional), salt and msg (optional) to taste.
Please note these are all estimates, add according to your own taste. I suke campak2 je kalau masak. Baru nampak macam pro! Heh!

Ok lah nanti malam kalau tak penat, kite sambung lagi...with a new recipe, eh bukan, tried and tested recipe...Cantonese Fried Yee Mee, I made yesterday for buka puasa. Sekarang I nak gi jejalan cari sofa baru!


Friday 3 August 2012

Mee Kuah Mamak Ala Singapore

Salam y'all! It's been a while, hasn't it? I've been busy yet again with the professional aspect of my daily routine. That would be my excuse, as always! Nah! Truth is, every time after I break my fast, I will be sprawling on the couch on the balcony, letting the cool breeze of the night lull me to a half-sleep half-zombie state! Now, that’s the truth!

Turkey has been playing on my mind! No! Not that Turkey! Istanbul! I need to get out of here. I need a break and have been planning for another getaway with my favourite girls, my cousins and my beautiful niece. We went away to Bali for a spa retreat in April this year. That was like centuries ago la...I need to go away or I will die….of boredom!!! Urgh!!!

Okies! Let’s get back to business now. I was craving for the Mee Kuah Mamak, Singapore style for a long time now. It is only available in the Fine City and the last time I was there was 3 years ago. Fortunately, I have good friends who commute to Singapore quite frequently and would buy back special spices concoctions that you can never get in KL. And these good friends had generously given them to me to spice up my kitchen with my signature Singapore dishes.

Jom tengok gambar jom!!!

I am going to cook vegetarian bihun for tonight's iftar. Not that I'm a vegan but the fact that I don't have much left in the refrigerator to cook up anything fancy. Malas wanna go to the supermarket today! :p

Ciao bellas. Selamak berbuka.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Sago Gula Melaka

Cheap and simple dessert to make. Everyone loves it! Jom belajar cara membuat ni jom...kalau tak nak belajar pun terpaksa gak sebab ni je yang ade untuk entry kali ni hehehehe...

Dinner was simple too. Asam pedas ikan tengiri, some sauteed vege, deep fried oyster mushrooms and telur goreng.

I am guessing many of you know how to make this simple dessert but not everyone knows the smooth consistency that the sago should be. Kan? kan? kan? The sago should be boiled till clear ie. no more of that 'white eye' in the sago. I use 1:4 cups of sago to water. Soak the sago in water for at least 30 minutes before cooking. Boil 4 cups of water in a pot and place sago in the pot when water is really boiling stirring continuously for approximately 7 minutes. When sago turns clear, drain and put them under running tap water to wash away the starch. Put them in moulds and chill in the fridge.

The gula melaka syrup is basically 1 piece of gula melaka to 1/2 cup of water. Boil water and gula melaka with knotted pandan leaves. Drain and leave to cool.

Instead of the norm coconut milk as the accompaniment to the syrup, I've used evaporated milk. Tasted better, I thought. Ade kelazzz la! Try it! :)

I'm starting to take up guitar lessons now so...I'm off to practise my fingering...psssttt...I'm using my sonny's guitar for now...:p


Tuesday 24 July 2012

Nasi Lemak for Iftar Day 4

Iftar! Presumably, it is Arabic. Never knew of the term until a few years ago. I've always used the commonly accepted terms "buka puasa" for breaking my fast. So, when I first heard of the word 'Iftar' in eg.'iftar bersama kak long dan keluarga', I was, "amende tu Iftar?". haha sekarang baru Mak Nenek tau! Jangan marah arrrr...Mak Nenek tak belajar time sekolah dulu. Time sekolah dulu kita belajar omputih dan bahasa Mandarin je. Tu yang hancur sikit tu kalau menulis dalam BM.

Banyak plak Mak Nenek ni mencecih! Anyways, I was out and about almost the whole of today and only managed to start my cooking game at about 5.30pm. A simple dinner was planned. Nasi Lemak, Sambal Tumis Udang and Kari Ayam with the usual suspects, sliced cucumbers, deep fried anchovies and peanuts. I also made some Sago Gula Melaka for desserts, of which I have not indulged in yet because I am already filled to the brim. Heh! I think I shall keep it for tomorrow night. 

Tonight's Iftar :D

Sempat gak beli daun pisang tu! Food presentation katanya! :)

Nak masak ape agaknye eh untuk esok? Stress! Stress! Stress


Bread and Butter Pudding

Salam dolls! Amboi! Mentang2 bulan Ramadhan pembukaan pakai 'Salam'! Selalunya tak kot? Hehehe tak ingat. Takpe lah, janji ikhlas! ;)

I meant to post this up yesterday but was caught up with a few other dealings that required my immediate attention. Heh! Cam serious sangat plak? Bulan2 puasa ni tak boleh serious2...nanti fairy marah!

Okay, here Bread and Butter Pudding (gerenti sedap) :-


  • 8 slices of sandwich white *roti biase je* (I used Gardenia. Tear them into smaller pieces and place them in an oven-proof dish)
  • 500 ml milk (fresh/full-cream) [soak the bread in milk for approximately 30 minutes]

  • 4 tbsp fine sugar
  • 2 tbsp butter (melted)
  • 1 tbsp cornflour
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • 2 eggs
  • Raisins (if you would like)
  • I have added 1 tsp of cinnamon powder. This is optional but it gives a nice aroma, so you may want to try it. :)

  1. Mix the above (except the raisins and cinnamon powder which, if used, to be added last) well over low heat just enough to dissolve the sugar.
  2. Pour the mixture over the soaked bread.
  3. Bake for 30mins or until done at 180 deg C.
For the Sauce

  • 1 can of evaporated milk
  • 2 tbsp custard flour
  • 2 tbsp sugar

  1. Mix all the ingredients over low heat stirring constantly until slightly thickened.

There!!! Senang je. This can also be eaten chilled which is how I've liked it.

Okay, selamat mencuba! Saya nak curik tulang jap...barang setengah jam! ;)