
Tuesday 24 July 2012

Nasi Lemak for Iftar Day 4

Iftar! Presumably, it is Arabic. Never knew of the term until a few years ago. I've always used the commonly accepted terms "buka puasa" for breaking my fast. So, when I first heard of the word 'Iftar' in eg.'iftar bersama kak long dan keluarga', I was, "amende tu Iftar?". haha sekarang baru Mak Nenek tau! Jangan marah arrrr...Mak Nenek tak belajar time sekolah dulu. Time sekolah dulu kita belajar omputih dan bahasa Mandarin je. Tu yang hancur sikit tu kalau menulis dalam BM.

Banyak plak Mak Nenek ni mencecih! Anyways, I was out and about almost the whole of today and only managed to start my cooking game at about 5.30pm. A simple dinner was planned. Nasi Lemak, Sambal Tumis Udang and Kari Ayam with the usual suspects, sliced cucumbers, deep fried anchovies and peanuts. I also made some Sago Gula Melaka for desserts, of which I have not indulged in yet because I am already filled to the brim. Heh! I think I shall keep it for tomorrow night. 

Tonight's Iftar :D

Sempat gak beli daun pisang tu! Food presentation katanya! :)

Nak masak ape agaknye eh untuk esok? Stress! Stress! Stress


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