
Thursday 9 August 2012

Economical Vegetarian Bihun

I cooked this easy peasy recipe last Friday. Made a lot to last me for 2 days of buka puasa and 2 pre-dawn meals. The kids were away for the weekend then so...yeah, malas la kan nak masak. If you are ever wondering, no, I have not turned into a vegan. I don't think I can. I can never live without my red meats! I didn't have anything else in the freezer then but had enough vege to finish before they rot so I've decided to put them together and come up with a masterpiece. Hehehe banyak la aku punye masterpiece! :p

So here, try tau jangan tak try...

  1. Soak 1/2 packet of bihun in warm water. If you don’t like chewy bihun, use slightly hotter water. 
  2. Add 1 tbs each of dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, sugar and sesame oil for bihun to absorb.
  3. After half hour or so, drain bihun, but keep the liquid.
  4. Fry 1 tbs garlic. Add vegetables/meat if you like. I used slightly more oil than usual. The original economical vegetarian bihun is always glistening with oil. So sebab nak bihun tu nampak gemilang I made it a little oily, kalau too dry tak cantik plak..hehe
  5. Add bihun. Mix well to let bihun absorb the oil. If too dry, add some of the liquid that was used for soaking earlier.
  6. Add 2 tbs dark soy sauce, 1 tbs light soy sauce, 1 tbs fish sauce, 1 tsp kicap manis (optional), salt and msg (optional) to taste.
Please note these are all estimates, add according to your own taste. I suke campak2 je kalau masak. Baru nampak macam pro! Heh!

Ok lah nanti malam kalau tak penat, kite sambung lagi...with a new recipe, eh bukan, tried and tested recipe...Cantonese Fried Yee Mee, I made yesterday for buka puasa. Sekarang I nak gi jejalan cari sofa baru!


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