
About Me

Yours truly arrived in Tanah Lot, Bali fully equipped with photography gadgets!

A solicitor and barrister-at-law by qualification, a mother of two lovely children, a professional cynic at large, an adviser to many and a lover to one [ewahh!] 

Welcome everyone to Razz’s Realm! [Formerly known as] 
In this little web space I created, I will share with you the little adventures in cooking and baking and, occasional ranting. I will also share my tested recipes. Well, most of it! If you should find any of the entries which does not have a recipe attached to it, that just means that a huge load of laziness had crept in my bones during the time of posting, but do give me a shout by leaving a comment or send an email to, I will be more than obliged to share them with you. I am in no way an expert though I wish I was! Heh! Nevertheless, all the recipes here have been tried and tested by me, unless otherwise stated. 

I tend to get side-tracked easily so you may find nonsensical babbling here too. Oh, and I do that quite often in real life! 

Cooking has always been my long term passion. I find pleasure in cooking for my beloveds. Anytime! I love holding little tea parties or lunches at my humble home with close friends for some ‘lepak’ time. Life is not all about cash flows and financial assumptions! Hah!
Anyhoo…I hope you enjoy your stay here and please do come back for more, as I hope to add more serious stuff…no seriously!

Thank you for dropping by!

Ciao bellas!

Razz Adams

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