
Wednesday 25 July 2012

Sago Gula Melaka

Cheap and simple dessert to make. Everyone loves it! Jom belajar cara membuat ni jom...kalau tak nak belajar pun terpaksa gak sebab ni je yang ade untuk entry kali ni hehehehe...

Dinner was simple too. Asam pedas ikan tengiri, some sauteed vege, deep fried oyster mushrooms and telur goreng.

I am guessing many of you know how to make this simple dessert but not everyone knows the smooth consistency that the sago should be. Kan? kan? kan? The sago should be boiled till clear ie. no more of that 'white eye' in the sago. I use 1:4 cups of sago to water. Soak the sago in water for at least 30 minutes before cooking. Boil 4 cups of water in a pot and place sago in the pot when water is really boiling stirring continuously for approximately 7 minutes. When sago turns clear, drain and put them under running tap water to wash away the starch. Put them in moulds and chill in the fridge.

The gula melaka syrup is basically 1 piece of gula melaka to 1/2 cup of water. Boil water and gula melaka with knotted pandan leaves. Drain and leave to cool.

Instead of the norm coconut milk as the accompaniment to the syrup, I've used evaporated milk. Tasted better, I thought. Ade kelazzz la! Try it! :)

I'm starting to take up guitar lessons now so...I'm off to practise my fingering...psssttt...I'm using my sonny's guitar for now...:p


Tuesday 24 July 2012

Nasi Lemak for Iftar Day 4

Iftar! Presumably, it is Arabic. Never knew of the term until a few years ago. I've always used the commonly accepted terms "buka puasa" for breaking my fast. So, when I first heard of the word 'Iftar' in eg.'iftar bersama kak long dan keluarga', I was, "amende tu Iftar?". haha sekarang baru Mak Nenek tau! Jangan marah arrrr...Mak Nenek tak belajar time sekolah dulu. Time sekolah dulu kita belajar omputih dan bahasa Mandarin je. Tu yang hancur sikit tu kalau menulis dalam BM.

Banyak plak Mak Nenek ni mencecih! Anyways, I was out and about almost the whole of today and only managed to start my cooking game at about 5.30pm. A simple dinner was planned. Nasi Lemak, Sambal Tumis Udang and Kari Ayam with the usual suspects, sliced cucumbers, deep fried anchovies and peanuts. I also made some Sago Gula Melaka for desserts, of which I have not indulged in yet because I am already filled to the brim. Heh! I think I shall keep it for tomorrow night. 

Tonight's Iftar :D

Sempat gak beli daun pisang tu! Food presentation katanya! :)

Nak masak ape agaknye eh untuk esok? Stress! Stress! Stress


Bread and Butter Pudding

Salam dolls! Amboi! Mentang2 bulan Ramadhan pembukaan pakai 'Salam'! Selalunya tak kot? Hehehe tak ingat. Takpe lah, janji ikhlas! ;)

I meant to post this up yesterday but was caught up with a few other dealings that required my immediate attention. Heh! Cam serious sangat plak? Bulan2 puasa ni tak boleh serious2...nanti fairy marah!

Okay, here Bread and Butter Pudding (gerenti sedap) :-


  • 8 slices of sandwich white *roti biase je* (I used Gardenia. Tear them into smaller pieces and place them in an oven-proof dish)
  • 500 ml milk (fresh/full-cream) [soak the bread in milk for approximately 30 minutes]

  • 4 tbsp fine sugar
  • 2 tbsp butter (melted)
  • 1 tbsp cornflour
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • 2 eggs
  • Raisins (if you would like)
  • I have added 1 tsp of cinnamon powder. This is optional but it gives a nice aroma, so you may want to try it. :)

  1. Mix the above (except the raisins and cinnamon powder which, if used, to be added last) well over low heat just enough to dissolve the sugar.
  2. Pour the mixture over the soaked bread.
  3. Bake for 30mins or until done at 180 deg C.
For the Sauce

  • 1 can of evaporated milk
  • 2 tbsp custard flour
  • 2 tbsp sugar

  1. Mix all the ingredients over low heat stirring constantly until slightly thickened.

There!!! Senang je. This can also be eaten chilled which is how I've liked it.

Okay, selamat mencuba! Saya nak curik tulang jap...barang setengah jam! ;)

Sunday 22 July 2012

Nasi Tomato

First and foremost, I would like to wish all my Muslim brothers and sisters, Ramadhan Kareem! 

I am posting this entry while waiting for my Bread and Butter Pudding (with added cinnamon powder) in the oven to bake and my Lamb Stew to cook just nice and tender. Ooooh! The aroma!!!! If only I could include in this entry, the 'smell' of what's cooking in my kitchen. I wonder if there is a Fragrant App that I could download to do this. I swear I can make your stomach rumble just by the smell of my Lamb Stew. I know mine is! :p

Anyhoo, pictures of the Bread and Butter Pudding and the Lamb Stew Delhi Style (actually, it's not! I just came up with the name. It's just another of my crazy concoction of spices put together in an old fashioned way) will be posted in tomorrow's entry, Insya'Allah! Today, I will share with you pictures of what I cooked for the first day of Ramadan....


Nasi Tomato

Ayam Masak Merah

                          Dalca Kambing

Pacri Nenas

It was a boring Saturday, so I decided to cook up a feast...and a feast it was! It was a dinner for 10 and it took me approximately 3 hours to complete. Not too bad, RazZ! 

For those interested, the following is the recipe for my Nasi Tomato:-


  • 4 cups of Bhasmati Rice (washed and soaked for 30 minutes)
  • 3 cups of water
  • 1 cup Chicken Stock
  • 1 cup of evaporated milk

  • 1 Onion - blended
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 2 star anise
  • 4 cardamons
  • 5 cloves
  • 4 tbsp tomato puree
  • 4 tbsp of butter/margarine
  • Salt to taste


  1. Heat up the butter on medium heat.
  2. Stir fry blended onion and all the spices till fragrant. Add in the tomato puree and mix well.
  3. Add in milk and bring to a low boil. 
  4. Pour the milk mixture into the rice pot containing the washed rice, water and chicken stock and cook till rice is done stirring occasionally.
  5. Tips for cooking Bhasmati rice: always use a fork to fluff the rice to preserve the nice long grains!

Selamat Mencuba and I really hope you will like it. 

Ciao bellas and Selamat berbuka to those who are fasting!

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Oven-Baked Barbecue Chicken

It has been a while since my last entry. I've been really busy. Very busy. Busybody!!!

I've cooked up dinners and kuehs and shot a few pictures of which are still sitting in the hard disk waiting to be uploaded but I'm going to take my time and post the recent ones first. Recent ones being tonight's dinner! It has been raining the whole of today and laziness crept in so I've decided to throw in some chicken legs and made a simple no-fuss dinner for 3. 

The barbecue sauce was homemade. Less sugar and with a dash of vinegar, a slightly more tangy. I had baked scallop potatoes with cheese and rosemary to go with the chicken and some fresh fruits with low-fat yoghurt dressing. The kids are not particularly fond of greens, so I've decided to skip the hassle and serve fruit salad instead. 

I've been eating like a pig for the past weeks so tonight's dinner is a welcomed change. Hah!

Tomorrow, I will try to post up some pictures I took last Saturday of a simple lunch I prepared for a girlfriend, who traveled all the way from Singapore for my Sambal Udang Petai. :D 

Sssshhhh...I think I hear my bed calling me....nanite, beloveds!