
Saturday 16 June 2012

Relocating from Wordpress...

Earlier this week, I started a blog of the same using but had decided to run over to blogspot as I had difficulties in making it look 'nice'! Heh! 

Last night, when I wanted to change the template to a new theme downloaded from the web, I was instructed to upload the zip file via an FTP account, create a folder in the client account with a given example....I re-read the first instruction and went berzerk! What's an FTP account la wei???? After like 5 minutes, which seems like forever to a non-whatever-account-savvy Mak Nenek...I gave up and went out for teh tarik with girl friends! Too difficult! :(

So, here I am, in After tweaking the template for a bit, I have decided to post my maiden entry...not like a virgin la...been here before but not a regular contributor, so I kinda forgot the names, passwords of all my other blogs. Haha...

Oh well, my next task will be to transfer my recent entries from the Wordpress hosting to blogspot. It should not be that bad. Right? Copy and paste je kot....let's see....

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