
Saturday 16 June 2012

Kueh Koci Labu

The traditional Kueh Koci with a twist! I've halved the glutinous flour portion and added mashed pumpkin to it to form the dough. Nice texture, I must say! Lovely tint of orange too. Unlike the full glutinous flour version, this recipe gives a less starchy or should I say, 'gummy' dough. So sape2 yang pakai gigi palsu boleh la makan tanpa ragu2 dan was2!
I'm not baking this weekend...lepak mood! Next on the list would be...Apam Beras or Ma Kuo Kueh. So, stay tuned...;)
ps. I will do an Indonesian version of this Kueh Koci, the Kueh Bugis, soon. Some time...soooooonnnn :D

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